Donations are being accepted for the Easter plants, flowers, and greens. During the season of Lent (Ash Wednesday up to Palm Sunday), it is liturgically appropriate that no flowers be placed at the altar. Monetary donations from the congregation make the supply of potted plants and flower decorations possible.
You may give in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for a family member, or simply in thanksgiving. If you would like to give a donation for Holy Week Greens and Easter Flowers, you may complete and submit your donation form online using the form below. Printed donation forms and envelopes are available on the table in front of the church office. Or you may print the donation form yourself using this link: Easter Plants, Flowers, and Greens form.
You may give any amount, but a suggested minimum donation is $25. Submit your completed paper form either to the office or place in the offering basket. Please submit forms by Sunday, March 24th (Palm Sunday).
If you have questions, please contact the office at 518 371-6351, or email the office at:
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