Women's Bible Study

He Speaks to Me Bible Study with Priscilla Shirer
Mondays 3:00 - 4:30PM
January 13th - February 24th (if no snow reschedules!)

We join Priscilla Shirer for a 7 session video series. Priscilla uses the account of God speaking to Samuel in 1 Samuel 3 to show how God speaks to Christians and how we can discern His voice and position ourselves to respond. The seven session topics are:
 A Simple Relationship
 A Single-Minded (undistracted) Worship
 A Set-Apart Holiness
 A Still Attentiveness
 A Sold-Out Hunger
 A Servant Spirit Conclusion

Materials for the class:
Participants will need to purchase a study guide with video access from Lifeway. Plan now. Contact Carol MacNaughton or the church office by Sunday January 5th if you would like to be part of group order (save on shipping!)

Link for ordering the study guide yourself:
Important Note: Amazon does have a study guide but it does not have the video access (legally required) and may not be the more current version!

Looking Ahead:

Our second Bible Study for 2025 will be "The Promise and the Power of Easter" with Christine Cane and Lisa Harper. It is a 4 week study that will begin on Monday, March 17th.

It is avaiable on Amazon, Christianbooks.com, and vendors. Be sure to get the version with streaming video!
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Promise-Power-Easter-Bible-Streaming/dp/0310170095

Contact: Carol MacNaughton