Fran Gordon

Senior Warden

Fran Gordon

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St. George’s Church has been a part of my life since 1991 and my husband and I raised our family here. I
have grown in my faith through programs such as EfM, Boundaries, and Healthy Congregations. My
years as a vestry member and as a warden at St. George’s have offered opportunities, in a leadership
role, to help shape the future of the parish. My roots are strong and deep here and all of my
experiences at St. George’s have played a significant role in moving me forward on my own personal
spiritual journey. I see infinite possibilities as I look to the future of St. George’s and all of the ways we
can change, grow, and bring others to know Jesus.

I have been privileged to see, and be a part of, the growth and vision for this church as we move
forward and grow into the faith community God calls us to be. In serving as warden, I have come to
appreciate the many dedicated people who carry out the work of the Lord by giving of their time, talent
and treasure to fulfil the mission of St. George’s. I want to serve, as they do, using whatever gifts or
talents God has given me. My vision for St. George’s has been, and will continue to be, rooted in our
Mission Statement. I know we will continually strive to be a faith community that is Christ–centered as
we joyfully reach out to “nurture, teach and heal in Jesus’ name.” I feel blessed to be a part of this
community of disciples!