The 2024 fall class had completed.
St. Paul tells us in Colossians that Christians are to work together to grow in faith that we might present everyone mature in Christ. The Community of Hope training, based on the Rule of Benedict spirituality provides a foundation to accomplish that goal. The clergy, vestry, and lay leaders of St. George’s feel this training is an important building block in preparing the leaders of our church in this rapidly changing world. This is a unique opportunity to grow in your faith as you learn to “listen with the ears of your heart” and learn the “skills and practices of spiritual life that prepares each of us to be open to one another…to believe and trust that the hospitality of the Christian faith is to look for Christ in the other person…” (Reverend Dr. Helen Appelberg, COHI founder).
The Community of Hope’s mission is to create and sustain Christian Communities of volunteer lay pastoral caregivers united in prayer, shaped by Benedictine spirituality, and equipped for service in pastoral care ministries. The course includes modules in Benedictine spirituality, listening skills, spiritual gifts, pastoral visitation, coping with grief and loss, and understanding family systems.
Consider joining us as we reach out to nurture, teach, and heal in Jesus’ name.
Please call Arlene Josef at (518) 383-3835 for more information.